Join the Movement: Act Now and Elevate Your Coffee Experience

Experience the difference with Riverview Coffee Roasters. By taking action today, you're not just enjoying superior coffee, but also supporting

FAIr wages for coffee farmers around the world

Free US Delivery: Enjoy the convenience of free shipping on all subscriptions, ensuring your coffee reaches you without any extra cost.

Secure Payment with PayPal: Shop with confidence knowing your transactions are secured through PayPal, offering peace of mind.

Elevate your coffee routine while making a positive impact. Join Riverview Coffee Roasters today!

Explore Our Coffee Plans: Find Your Perfect Match Below

let us know your preferences, such as all espressos, no dark roasts or no fruity coffees in the “Requests / Delivery Instruction Box”

Local Deliveries Receive 12 oz Bags


Outside Our Delivery Area Receive 8.8 oz Bags with Free Nationwide Shipping

Subscribers Periodically Receive Exclusive Off The Menu Selections

Get 15% off with 6 or more bags per month!!

How Many Bags?
Requests / Delivery Instruction

How Many Bags?
Requests / Delivery Instruction

How Many Bags?
Requests / Delivery Instruction

How Many Bags?
Requests / Delivery Instruction

Unlocking Excellence: How It Works

Elevate your coffee experience with ease through our streamlined process:

1. **Select Your Coffee Subscription**: Explore our range of subscription plans above and choose the one that suits your taste preferences.

2. **Customize Your Monthly Delivery**: Tailor your subscription by selecting how many coffee bags you'd like to receive each month.

3. **Subscribe and Enjoy**: Simply subscribe, sit back, and await the arrival of your premium coffee. Once it's delivered, brew it to perfection and prepare to be amazed by the exceptional taste.

Experience the convenience of premium coffee delivered straight to your doorstep. Subscribe now and indulge in coffee excellence!

Discover Your Perfect Coffee Subscription

With our exceptional coffee, there's no wrong choice, but we understand that personal preferences vary. If you're unsure where to start, we recommend our Variety Coffee Subscription plan, curated by our master roaster, Ted.

**Embrace the Element of Surprise**: Let us take you on a coffee journey where each delivery is a delightful discovery. Trust Ted's expertise to introduce you to new and exciting flavors.

**Flexibility at Your Fingertips**: Not loving your first selection? No problem. You can easily switch to a different plan for your next delivery. It's all about finding the perfect match for your palate.

Discover, explore, and indulge in the world of coffee with Riverview Coffee Roasters. Subscribe now and let the adventure begin!

Discover what fellow coffee enthusiasts have to say

We have loved our experience with Ted and Riverview Roasters. Ted is knowledgeable and eager to talk about different types of coffee he carries and to give tips about brewing methods and coffee making equipment. The subscription model is so easy and he will adjust your standard order if you know you’ll need more or less. The quality of the coffee is superb and I am especially happy with the decaf. Looking forward to the next delivery!

— Billy Sunshine, KSCO DJ

I can smell the Aroma of Ted’s coffee while he is delivering his delectable brews up my street. Bring me more next week Ted.

— Dennis Norton, Mayor of Capitola

My wife and I are so glad we found Ted of Riverview Coffee Roasters. We’ve been purchasing his coffee for many years and his passion for the perfect cup shows in each bag. The quality of beans, his expertise in roasting and the freshness is an eye opener to just how good black coffee can taste.

— Eric Smith, Sr. Director of Mechanical Design and QA


**Why Choose Riverview Coffee Roasters?**

Our master roaster, Ted, meticulously crafts each batch of coffee with passion and expertise. As a small business based in The San Francisco Bay Area, we pride ourselves on artisanal, craft-roasted coffee. Every batch is carefully tasted, ground, and checked for flavor to ensure excellence. We're dedicated to sharing our love for coffee with you.

**What Are the Shipping Costs?**

Enjoy free delivery on every subscription within the US.

**How Long Does Shipping Take?**

We prioritize freshness and ship your order immediately after roasting via USPS. On average, expect delivery within 1-3 business days.

**What Types of Coffee Will I Receive?**

Experience only the best! Our selection includes a rotating variety of single farm coffee and expertly crafted blends sourced from regions worldwide. Each bean is meticulously chosen based on specific conditions, ensuring exceptional quality in every cup.

**How Do You Support Small Coffee Farms?**

We directly source coffee from estates and pay farmers at or above Fair Trade standards. Through partnerships with villages, we sample each harvest to create special batches of top-tier coffee beans.

**Does the Subscription Automatically Renew?**

Yes, subscriptions renew monthly, but you have the flexibility to pause or cancel anytime without any obligations.

**Can I Gift a Coffee Subscription?**

Absolutely! Simply provide the recipient's address during checkout via PayPal.

**How Do I Brew Coffee?**

We provide expert tasting and brewing tips to help you achieve the perfect cup at home. Find coffee brewing and coffee equipment links at the bottom navigation in the footer.

**Why Choose a Coffee Subscription?**

It's a unique coffee experience tailored to your preferences. Let Ted surprise you with his selection of premium coffee delivered straight to your door. We handle everything; you just brew and enjoy.

**What If I Don't Like the Coffee I Receive?**

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not satisfied with a particular coffee, let us know, and we'll ensure you don't receive it again. Alternatively, you can directly order coffee that suits your preferences.

**Can I Request a Special Order for a Corporate Event?**

Certainly! Reach out to us at and we'll work with you to find the perfect solution.